четвер, 13 жовтня 2011 р.

Medieval Castles in Ireland

Medieval Castles are one of the most visible characteristics of the Middle Ages (circa AD 700-1500) in Europe. No matter where you travel on this continent, chances are you are not far away from the remains of one. The same is true of Northern Ireland, indeed of the whole island.

  List of Early Modern and Medieval Castles in Ireland

Belfast Castle
Belfast Castle Weddings


Carrickfegrus Castle


Castle Weddings and Birthday parties


Dromore Mound


 Depending on how much history fascinates you, you can decide how many to visit. But a tour of Northern Ireland would not be complete without at least a casual viewing of some of them.

History often developed around them and though no longer in the mainstream of political developments, the stout architecture and often dramatic locations of older ones as well as the refined elegance of some of the newer ones will give you a good overview of the rich history of this glorious land.

In my-secret-northern-ireland.com you can read descriptions and see photos of some of the better known Northern Irish castles. Our list is by no means complete. But we plan to build and expand it. So take your time, read through the relevant pages, plan to visit them and come again to our website to learn more as new pages on the castles of Northern Ireland are added.
Belfast Castle
Happy exploring!

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