четвер, 13 жовтня 2011 р.

Irish Recipes

You hear of French restaurants. Italian. Greek. Mexican. Thai. Chinese. Indian. Lebanese. But you rarely, if ever, hear of Irish restaurants. You hear of Irish pubs. Did you now that pubs do serve food? 
It is true that Irish food does not have the sophistication and variety of other cuisines.

Historical and geographical factors have contributed to this. Nestled on the north-eastern edge of Europe and surrounded by water, this island lacked the substantial interaction with Europe, let alone countries beyond Europe, that would have added variety and cosmopolitanism to its food culture. Furthermore, the cold and at times inhospitable climate has meant that historically Ireland has not had access to the variety of, for example, vegetables that make the Mediterranean cuisines not only tasty and varied but also healthy.
The above notwithstanding, you are fooling yourself if you think that food eaten in Northern Ireland can be gastronomically blunt. There is enough variety to keep your taste buds exploring throughout your stay and beyond. After all, who else can cook potatoes a gazillion different ways?
Potatoes at Vegetable Market
 So if you are thinking “what’s for dinner tonight?” do have a look at the tried and tested recipes we have gathered for you. Whether it is potato based dishes, soups or breads and Irish chocolate desserts, you will find something to add to your menu this week. And you will discover the taste-bud bulldozer, the Ulster Fry.

Apart from the traditional recipes, you will find their vegetarian alternative so some of these Irish recipes will be recipes with a twist; a health twist.

The strong point of Irish cooking

The allure of the irish cooking lies on its simplicity. A few fresh ingredients, a bit of love and a spark in your eyes is all you need to create wholesome food good enough for your family.

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